About Us

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European Clothes is a start-up promoting europeanness (the characteristic of being and feeling European) through clothes. All our clothes are Original Designs. We are creating a brand focusing on Europe. Our goal is to bring Europeans closer together all while promoting our common culture. Some people say that Europe is too diverse to have a common European culture.
Here at European Clothes we don’t believe that.
We believe that one can love Europe as much as one’s country. People often ask, “does loving Europe mean you don’t love your country ?”. Our answer to that is : no of course not. One can love his/her country and Europe. For example, do you love your region ? Yes. Do you love your country ? Yes. Does loving your country prevent you from loving your region ? No. And vice versa ? No. So why should people such as nationalists only love their country while hating the rest of the European family ? People can love their region as much as their country as much as Europe. One doesn’t replace the other.

Now I hear you thinking, “oh this website is probably another Europe-loving website who thinks that Europe is perfect and the best place in the world”, and you wouldn’t be completely wrong, but also not completely right. Europe is an amazing place, with a great multitude of cultures, languages, architectures, landscapes, etc, but it surely isn’t perfect (yet 😉 ). As one of our founding fathers once said ;

A united Europe was not achieved and we had war. Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity” -Robert Schuman, May 9, 1950.

There’s always room for improvement. Europe isn’t the vision of just one person. It’s the result of decades of changes, new ideas, improvements, new treaties, etc. Together we can change things. Together we can improve Europe a little bit each day. And here at European Clothes we hope to do our part of improving Europe and promoting the European identity with our great variety of products.



We are trying to become one of the most important and recognized brands in Europe, and eventually in the US. We hope to be able to open our first own factory in Europe Q4 of 2023 or Q1 of 2024, since for now, the clothes are made outside of Europe, even though the designs are printed within Europe. At the moment we don’t have our own factories, which makes us dependent on our partners. Because of this, we don’t profit a lot from our clothing since it costs quite some money to produce the different items in our store.
Whether it’ll be with a loan from the bank, with one or multiple angel investors, with our own profits, or something else, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we would like to open our own factory as soon as possible in order to significantly reduce our dependence on third parties and to reduce costs. By having our own factory we can lower prices while our profit will stay the same, that’s a win-win situation.

Another goal for 2023/2024 is to have our own delivery service. We are dependent on a third party here as well, because at the moment we are only a start-up, we’re not a big multinational, yet. So, when the chance arrives, we will create our own delivery service. This will be beneficial for everybody. We will be able to reduce transportation time for our costumers, we will be able to reduce delivery fees meaning it will be cheaper to buy clothes from our store, and we will also be able to create more jobs for the economy (for example, by employing truck drivers who will be paid directly by us and not by some third party).
These two goals are our short term goals.

And finally, our third important goal is to open a physical store somewhere in Europe. Of course we hope to have more than one store while time goes on, but for the moment we only have an online store, so we will start with one physical store to begin with. If things go well, we can always open multiple stores. In the further future we would like to have an online store, multiple physical stores across Europe and the US, multiple factories across Europe and the US, and our own delivery service. This way we will be a lot more independent, a lot more profitable, and a lot quicker.

If you’re reading this and you see some great potential in this company, the same way as we do, please contact us at contact@europeanclothes.eu. WATCH OUT, our email address ends with .eu not .com. Or you can always fill in our contact form.

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